quietQuail's Creative Cove


Title Image
Menu Setup
Meeting the Forest Residents
Engaging a skeleton on the bridge
Conversing with a scarab
A fallen warrior reborn
Your Predecessor.

The Starlight Knight

Interactive Project

The Starlight Knight is a click to move, turn based rpg made completely within alice.

The premise follows that the kingdoms royal wizard Lithop has gone rouge, kidnapping the princess and taking her to his chambers within Devils Cavern. You play as the recently appointed royal knight, you've trained all your life to serve your kingdom and have status upon the royals. The news gets out about the princesses alleged kidnapping and you rush off without a thought of hesitation to save the princess and restore peace to the kingdom...But its exactly that pride that leads you down the path of despair.

I created this game duing my fall 2021 semester in college as my final for the class, the alice class served as a basic introduction to programming by utilizing a 3d space and puzzlepeice-like code. The game was fully inspired by the song "Nightmare Knight" by Toby Fox, when I listened to it I imagined the true ending to the game, and the badass fight that would take place, I used that as inspiration and fuel to expand and build the rest of the world

I doccumented the entire game within a youtube video for anyone to view and to have as an archive, the quality is higher if you watch it on youtube instead of the imbedded video.